4 ways restaurant booking systems drive profit and great customer experiences

A FoodByUs Partner
July 18th, 2023
Last Updated

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FoodByUs takes a look at how restaurant booking systems make it easy to generate more covers, simplify table planning, prevent no-shows, and leverage your diner data to delight customers.

The hospitality industry is undergoing rapid digital transformation, with technology enabling operators to drive revenue and productivity, while also delivering better customer experiences.

One of the key tools in the hospo tech stack is restaurant booking systems, with sophisticated ones providing solutions for a wide range of business challenges beyond taking bookings. 

In this article, we outline four of the key benefits these tools offer.

1. Drive More Bookings

“It is quite easy to add a branded booking widget to your website, Facebook, Instagram reservation buttons, and Google My Business listing, and set up ResPhone so people can book by telephone during busy periods,” Haynes said. 

2. Stop No Shows:

Taking credit deposits during the booking process – whether online, over the phone, or in person – is also an increasingly popular and powerful tool to eliminate now-shows.

3. Use Data to Drive Return Customers

“Be aware that some restaurant booking systems will retain the data from your diners to send emails promoting other restaurants on their platform. For me that is a red flag,” he said, adding that flat-fee booking systems are also preferable to those charging a commission per cover, to prevent bill shock.

This data makes it easy for all staff to easily identify your customer’s favourite bottle of wine, their preferred table, or if it is a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary.”

4. Easy Table Planning

This is where a sophisticated and customisable restaurant booking system like ResDiary can help you maximise your available space, while still ensuring a smooth service, according to Haynes.

Disclaimer: This guide is general in nature and does not take into account your individual circumstances. Before acting on any information, you should consider whether this is right for your business.

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